
COSTA RICA AMAPOLA TARRAZÚ – Medium-Dark Roast Coffee Supply

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Costa Rica Amapola Tarrazu is vibrant and lively coffee with fragrant aroma of soft spices and nutty undertones.

What you need to know…

  • Flavours – nutty
  • Aroma – floral
  • Body – creamy
  • Acidity – pronounced

Perfect for…

Cafetiere, drip, aeropress, filter coffees.

The finer details… 

  • Country: Costa Rica
  • Region: Tarrazú
  • Altitude: 1,350 m above sea level 
  • Varietal: Caturra, Catuai
  • Harvesting Period: December – February
  • Processing: Washed, drum dried

Crossing the picturesque passes just south of the Central Valley, we uncover Tarrazú. The word “Tarrazú” itself is derived from the ancient Huetar Indian tribe that once inhabited this zone. Amapola grows on these steep slopes in the regions of Los Frailes and Bustamante. The perpetual springs provided by the proximity to the Pacific Ocean are major factors that contribute to this high quality coffee. Needless to say, the region has a very strong coffee culture and is proud of being the forbearer of quality, providing one of the best coffees in the world.  The natural beauty of the region has triumphed over environmental adversities. Those involved in the growing and milling process are deeply committed to protecting their environment and to preserve the crystal clear rivers and scenic valleys.

Additional information


Beans, Cafetiere, Filter, Fine, Espresso


250g, 500g, 1kg, 6kg, 8kg, 12kg